A cost effective non bleach based exterior cleaner used to restore all those dangerous slimy green and slippery black surfaces to looking like new again.|The combination of selective biodegradable surfactants acts on moss, mould, mildew, lichen and algae, working over time and reactivating for the first few rainfalls.|No hosing or scrubbing just spray it on and walk away.
Ready to use.| Non bleach based exterior cleaner used to restore all those dangerous slimy green and slippery black surfaces you have around the home near new.| Spray and walk away.| Lichen, moss and algae killer.
30 Seconds Spray & Walk Away Cleaner 1L
30 Seconds
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$ 12.70
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Product Description
A cost effective non bleach based exterior cleaner used to restore all those dangerous slimy green and slippery black surfaces to looking like new again.|The combination of selective biodegradable surfactants acts on moss, mould, mildew, lichen and algae, working over time and reactivating for the first few rainfalls.|No hosing or scrubbing just spray it on and walk away.
Ready to use.| Non bleach based exterior cleaner used to restore all those dangerous slimy green and slippery black surfaces you have around the home near new.| Spray and walk away.| Lichen, moss and algae killer.
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