Bastard cut, American pattern flat file.|Ideal for machinists, machinery builders, ship and engine builders.|Can be used effectively by repairmen and others who require rapid removal of metal.|Rectangular cross section allows you to smooth and sharpen straight surfaces, while slight taper in width towards the file's point creates ease of access in slots.
150mm/6" Flat Bastard File - cushion grip handle.
Crescent Nicholson File Bastard Flat 6"
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$ 15.20
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Product Description
Bastard cut, American pattern flat file.|Ideal for machinists, machinery builders, ship and engine builders.|Can be used effectively by repairmen and others who require rapid removal of metal.|Rectangular cross section allows you to smooth and sharpen straight surfaces, while slight taper in width towards the file's point creates ease of access in slots.
150mm/6" Flat Bastard File - cushion grip handle.
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