Ideal for general watering and cleaning.|Infinitely adjustable from fine mist to direct hard jet simply by twisting.|Increases water flow by up to 225% (compared to 13mm).|Has a brass nozzle.|Ergonomic design.|Rated to 1000kPa.|UV stabilised to withstand Australian conditions.
Suitable for 19mm hoses.| Compact jet nozzle.| Leak-free watering.
GARDENA Maxi-Flo Adjustable Spray Nozzle 19mm
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$ 22.13
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Product Description
Ideal for general watering and cleaning.|Infinitely adjustable from fine mist to direct hard jet simply by twisting.|Increases water flow by up to 225% (compared to 13mm).|Has a brass nozzle.|Ergonomic design.|Rated to 1000kPa.|UV stabilised to withstand Australian conditions.
Suitable for 19mm hoses.| Compact jet nozzle.| Leak-free watering.
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